Joseph Q. Jarvis MD MSPH is a public health physician with a 30 year track record advocating for health system reform which will lead to health security for every American. The former State Health Officer for Nevada, he is the author of “The Purple World: Healing the Harm in American Health Care.” Dr. Jarvis served a term on the board of directors for Physicians for a National Health Plan, and is currently serving as a board member for One Payer States. He is the executive producer of a forthcoming documentary film about American health system reform by award winning film maker Kenny Ballantine. Dr. Jarvis will release his second book about health system reform, “For the Hurt of My People”, in 2022.

Georgia Davenport founded Whole Washington in 2017 and served as Campaign Director in 2018, leading the 100% volunteer, initiative effort for universal healthcare. Georgia ran for Washington State House of Representatives in 2020. She was the Phone Bank Organizer for I-735 to overturn Citizens United, which passed in 2016 by 63%. Georgia has also organized many events for Medicare for All, including dozens of barnstorms, protests, and attended the Medicare for All hearings in 2019. Her interest in politics comes from wanting a better future for her daughter and all the other children who need us to enact bold legislation today to ensure they can get the healthcare they need, without using Gofundme, and so they have a planet to inherit.

Laura Fielding is the founder and Executive Director of Red Berets Medicare for All, a creative grassroots coalition of craftivists and healthcare justice organizers. She is a board member of Whole Washington and played a foundational role in the March for Medicare for All and believes that through community and solidarity, we will build the movement to achieve what nearly every developed nation guarantees: quality healthcare which is free at the point of delivery. Laura is the host of Knit The Revolution, where joined by Lisa Theobald, they platform ground game healthcare organizers dedicated to removing the profit motive from our healthcare system. She was moved to activism through her time serving active duty Air Force and as a military spouse in countries which guarantee healthcare as a basic human right. The work of the Red Berets is featured in Kenny Ballentine’s healthcare documentary.